Code of Ethical Conduct
Federation of State Physician Health Programs, Inc.
As a member of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs, I will:
Adopt the highest standards of professional and personal conduct in fulfilling my responsibilities on behalf of the Federation and uphold all laws and regulations related to its activities.
Avoid any conflicts of interest in conducting Federation and state program business.
Observe appropriate professional boundaries with program participants, referral sources and others.
Exercise and insist on honesty and integrity in the conduct of the Federation’s affairs,
Maintain fidelity to the core values of the Federation and of the medical profession and effectively communicate and support those values in my work relationships and daily activities, both internal and external to the Federation.
Use only legal and ethical means in seeking to influence policies, legislation, or regulations on behalf of the Federation and individual state programs.
Serve all members of the Federation with loyalty and fairness, granting no special privileges to any individual member.
Refuse to engage in, or condone, discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
Respect the confidential relationships with members of the Federation and the information entrusted to me in the conduct of the Federation’s affairs.
Refuse to engage in, or condone, activities for personal gain at the expense of the Federation or its industry or profession.
Accept responsibility to further enhance and share my proficiency and knowledge through participation in continuing education, and through my interaction with others.
Strive for a healthy work environment in which integrity of personal conduct is maintained, and misuse of personal power, including sexual harassment, is not tolerated.
Adhere to AMA, AOA and/or other relevant professional ethical codes.
These Principles have been developed by members of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs and are offered to promote and maintain high standards of service and personal conduct in all members of the Federation.
(Adopted and amended from AAMSE)
Date of Adoption: 3/28/00
Updated and approved
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Position Statement
Read the FSPHP Code of Ethical Conduct, adopted in 2000, amended in 2012 and updated in 2021.
FSPHP Code of Ethical Conduct